Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Tafakkur penciptaan kaki
"Adakah anda fikir berjalan dengan dua kaki itu perkara yang remeh ? Padahal kaki itu seringkali bengkak bila digunakan berjalan jauh terus-menerus tanpa berhenti ? Adakah anda fikir berdiri tegak di atas kedua-dua betis itu mudah ? Padahal keduanya boleh saja tidak kuat dan suatu ketika boleh patah ?"
[ "La Tahzan" : Dr Aidh al-Qarni]
Syukurlah !!!!
The Qualities of the People of Taqwa
Hamman ibn Shuraih – a companion of Ali (radiAllahu anhu) – asked him to narrate the qualities of the people of Taqwa so that he would be able to see them in front of him. Ali (radiAllahu anhu) said:
"When Allah created His creation, He did so while He was completely independent of their obedience towards Him and of their disobedience towards Him. No disobedience can hurt Him and no obedience can benefit Him. Then He distributed amongst them (the creation) their means of sustenance and placed them on earth. The people of Taqwa on earth are those of virtue: their speech is correct (true); their garments are of moderate nature and their walk is one of humility. They lower their gaze when they see something that Allah has forbidden them to see and they give ear to beneficial knowledge. They maintain their integrity in both adversity and prosperity.
Had it not been for the appointed time that Allah has written for them (death), their souls would not remain an extra second in their bodies out of yearning for reward and fear of punishment. The Creator ranks Supreme in their eyes, so everything else becomes immaterial to them. They are with Paradise as if they had already witnessed it and enjoyed its presence. They are with Hell as if they have already seen it and tasted its torment. Their hearts grieve and their evil (if any) is non-contagious. Their bodies are lean, their needs are few and their souls are chaste.
They observe patience for a few days and experience everlasting comfort. This is a profitable exchange that their Lord has made pleasant for them. The world tempts them, but they do not succumb. It imprisons them, but they ransomed themselves in exchange.
During the nights they stand in rows and read portions of the Quran. They recite with proper recitation which grieves their hearts and drink it (the Quran) like medicine. If a verse of yearning comes along, they reach for it and believe it is their destination. If an intimidating verse comes along, they pour their hearts towards it and believe that Hell and its screams are in their ears. They sleep on their foreheads and elbows (i.e. they engage in prayers so much that it is as if they sleep in those postures) and implore Allah to deliver them.
In the day, they are tolerant and learned, kind and God-fearing. Fear has chipped away at their bodies as if they were arrows. Anyone looking at them would think that they were sick. But they are not sick. Some will say that they are confused. A great fear has made them look like that. They are never content to do only a few actions (during the day), nor do they ask for a great deal. They condemn themselves and are apprehensive about their deeds.
If one of them is called “pious”, he fears what will be said of him and says: “I know myself better than you do. My Lord knows me better than I do. O Allah! Do not take me to task for what they are saying about me and (O Lord) make me better than they think. Forgive my sins which they do not know about.”
Their signs are that they are strong in Islam, resolute in their softness; firm in their belief. They crave for knowledge and are knowledgeable with tolerance; moderate in richness; pleasant in hunger; forbearing in distress; seeking Halal; active in (pursuing) guidance and they abhor greed.
They perform good deeds in fear (of rejection). They spend the evening in gratitude and the morning in remembrance. They sleep in alarm and they awake in joy. If their carnal selves make it difficult for them to fulfil that which they dislike the deprive them (their selves) of that which they like. The apple of their eyes is in what does not perish and their abstemiousness in what disappears. They combine knowledge with tolerance and speech with action.
You will find their hopes are realistic, their mistakes few; their hearts humble, their selves content; their diet meagre, their matters simple, their Deen safe-guarded, their desires killed and their anger subdued. Goodness is expected from them and evil is shielded against them. If they are among those who are oblivious, they are counted amongst those who remember (Allah). If they are among those who remember, they are not written among the oblivious. They pardon those who wrong them; they provide for those who deprive them, and meet those who severe ties with them. They are never profane and always lenient. Their wrong doings are almost non-existent and their good deeds are always present. They are resolute when the earth quakes, steadfast in calamities and grateful in prosperity.
They are no prejudiced against those they dislike nor do they favour those they love. They acknowledge the truth before it appears and do not lose anything they are entrusted with. They do not call anyone names nor do they hurt their neighbours. They do not curse at the time of difficulties nor do they venture into falsehood.
Silence does not bother them and if they laugh, they do not raise their voices. If they are treated with injustice they remain patient until Allah vindicates them.
Their own selves live in toil while others are comfortable around them.
Their abstinence from those who stay away from them is their exoneration (from malice). Their proximity to those who are close to them, is a means of mercy (for those who are close to them). Their remaining aloof is not out of pride and arrogance and their being close is neither a ploy nor a scheme."
Ke Hadrat-Mu Ya Rabbi
Ya Allah,
Gantikan kepedihan ini dengan kesenangan. Jadikanlah kesedihan ini awal kebahagiaan. Jelmakan rasa takut ini menjadi ketenteraman.
Ya Allah,
Dinginkan panasnya kalbu dengan salju keyakinan dan padamkan bara jiwa dengan percikan keimanan.
Wahai Tuhan,
Anugerahkan pada mata yang tak mampu terpejam ini rasa mengantuk dari-Mu yang menenteramkan. Tuangkan dalam jiwa yang bergolak ini kedamaian dan ganjarkanlah dengan kemenangan yang nyata.
Wahai Tuhan,
Tunjukkan pandangan yang kebingungan ini jalan ke arah cahaya-Mu. Bimbinglah sesatnya perjalanan ini ke arah jalan-Mu yang lurus dan tuntunlah orang-orang yang menyimpang dari jalan-Mu agar merapat ke hidayah-Mu !
Ya Allah,
Lenyapkan keraguan kami terhadap sinar fajar yang pasti memancar terang dan hancurkan perasaan jahat dengan secercah sinar kebenaran. Hapuskan semua tipu daya syaitan dengan bala tentera-Mu !
Ya Allah,
Sirnakan dari kami rasa sedih dan duka dan usirlah kegundahan dari jiwa kami semua!
Kami berlindung kepada-Mu dari setiap rasa takut yang mendera, hanya kepada-Mu kami bersandar dan bertawakkal. Hanya kepada-Mu kami memohon dan hanya dari-Mulah semua pertolongan.
Cukuplah Engkau sebagai Pelindung kami kerana Engkau adalah sebaik-baik Pelindung dan Penolong.
[Petikan dari buku 'La Tahzan' - Dr Aidh al-Qarni]
Monday, May 26, 2008
Scary Truth
The truth that you do not want to know and wish it is all lies !
Some say this is scare tactic ....
Some say this is scare tactic ....
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Qalbu Mati Bagai Katak Direbus
Disiarkan di Risalah Mimbar An-Nur Keluaran 2/1429 pada 23 Mei 2008
Cerita bagaimana katak mati direbus tanpa paksa ada baiknya jadi renungan. Konon katanya jika seseorang cuba membunuh katak dengan memasukkannya dalam air yang sedang mendidih, ia pasti akan segera melompat keluar kerana tak tahan panas. Maka selamatlah ia. Tapi jika ia diletakkan dalam air sejuk yang sedang dididih, secara tak sedar ia akan merasa seronok dengan kehangatan air yang sedang naik panas secara perlahan-lahan. Di saat ia merasa harus keluar melepaskan dirinya, ia sudah kehilangan kuasa melompat dan akhirnya mati direbus. Sia-sia, kan !
Fenomena qalbu mati perlahan-lahan umpama katak yang direbus boleh berlaku pada diri kita. Jika qalbu tidak kita jaga dengan rapi, ia ter-dedah kepada pelbagai unsur perosak di sekitarnya.
Imam Ghazali rahimahullah, membicarakan dengan panjang lebar tentang pentingnya memelihara qalbu kerana qalbu adalah raja yang menguasai perilaku setiap individu.
Rasulullah s.a.w. mengingatkan kita : “Ketahuilah bahawa dalam jasan anak Adam itu terdapat seketul daging. Jika baik daging itu, maka akan baik jugalah tubuhnya. Jika busuk daging itu, maka busuklah seluruh tubuhnya. Ingatlah bahawa ia adalah QALBU.” ( Riwayat Bukhari & Muslim)
Meskipun dalam bahasa Arab, qalbu ini secara fizikal merujuk kepada jantung. Imam Ghazali menerangkan bahawa yang dimaksudkan dengan qalbu di sini tidak bersifat fizikal. Ia adalah salah satu unsur abstrak yang menjadi bahagian daripada diri ( nafs ) seseorang. Masyarakat Melayu seringkali menyifatkannya sebagai hati yang juga tidak merujuk kepada hati yang fizikal.
Walaupun qalbu disifatkan umpama raja yang memerintah, ia amat sensitif kepada persekitaran di mana ia dedahkan dan budaya mana ia dibiasakan. Qalbu tidak menjadi baik dengan sendirinya. Kesejahteraan qalbu perlu disemai dan dipupuk. Jika disemai dengan iman ia hidup dan berfungsi melindungi tuannya bila berdepan dengan bahaya. Jika dibiasakan dengan maksiat, ia akan mati dan hilang imuniti menghadapi ancaman.
Kisah katak mati direbus mengajar kita bagaimana pentingnya kita berwaspada kepada piawai iman yang kita tetapkan untuk diri kita sendiri. Kerana tidak peka kepada ancaman, maka sang katak menjadi selesa dengan haba yang menghangatkan tubuhnya. Ia secara tak sedar telah membiarkan dirinya menurunkan piawai peringatan tahap bahaya yang mengancam nyawanya.
Begitulah ibaratnya bila seseorang suka mengambil sikap “tak apa’ kepada ancaman imannya. “Tak apa kalau sekali-sekali ke tempat hiburan bermaksiat. Nanti dah sampai masa taubatlah.” “Tak apa tak baca Quran. Tapi kalau tak baca suratkhabar sehari resah semacam.” “Tak apa sesekali tinggal solat. Nanti kalau dah ada mood boleh le qadha.” Begitulah gejala “tak apa” yang menampakkan betapa mudahnya kita berkompromi dengan piawai yang lebih rendah dalam hal iman.
Tidak jarang pula bila sampai masanya dia sedar akan kekhilafannya, dia sudah terlambat untuk kembali. Maut lebih awal tiba. Atau, fungsi akalnya telah berkurang, lidah pun sudah keras, kaki-tangan sudah lemah-longlai, kewarasan sudah berkurang.
Maka jagalah qalbu dengan mendekatkan diri kepada Khaliqnya. Sering-seringlah berziarah ke rumah Allah untuk menghidupkannya agar ia berfungsi secara wajar menjaga tuannya daripada mara bahaya yang seringkali tak terduga.
Coretan :
IMAM 2, Masjid An-Nur, UTP
RM 50 vs RM 1
Sekelumit kisah fiktif yang saya terima secara 'forward' dari akhuna M Faidhah pagi ini, saya kira cukup mudah dicerna dan memberi teguran yang menyentuh jauh ke dalam diri.
Kisahnya :
"tersebutlah satu kisah (untuk renungan semua).....satu hari...Duit seringgit telah bertemu dengan lima puluh ringgit ;Duit seringgit bertanya: "Oit, lama tak nampak, mana ko pergi?" Lima puluh menjawab " Aku pergi merata tempat. Pergi stadium tgk bola, Naik STAR Cruise, gi KK naik AirAsia, lepak One Utama, konsert AF, M'sian Idol.. tempat2 cam tuh lah. Eh, ko camner lak?" Duit singgit menjawab perlahan seraya menunduk, "Hmm... biasa lah.. Balik-balik tempat yg sama…………'SURAU…., MASJID……., SURAU………"Utk duniawi byk yg kita gunakan RM byk tp utk akhirat pulak hanya sedikit shj..THINK ABOUT THIS..."
Kisahnya :
"tersebutlah satu kisah (untuk renungan semua).....satu hari...Duit seringgit telah bertemu dengan lima puluh ringgit ;Duit seringgit bertanya: "Oit, lama tak nampak, mana ko pergi?" Lima puluh menjawab " Aku pergi merata tempat. Pergi stadium tgk bola, Naik STAR Cruise, gi KK naik AirAsia, lepak One Utama, konsert AF, M'sian Idol.. tempat2 cam tuh lah. Eh, ko camner lak?" Duit singgit menjawab perlahan seraya menunduk, "Hmm... biasa lah.. Balik-balik tempat yg sama…………'SURAU…., MASJID……., SURAU………"Utk duniawi byk yg kita gunakan RM byk tp utk akhirat pulak hanya sedikit shj..THINK ABOUT THIS..."
Tugas kita menyuburkan ma'ruf dan membenteras munkar
Dan hendaklah ada di antara kamu satu golongan Yang menyeru (berdakwah) kepada kebajikan (mengembangkan Islam), dan menegakkan perkara yang ma’ruf ( syariat ) , serta melarang daripada Segala Yang salah (buruk dan keji). dan mereka Yang bersifat demikian ialah orang-orang Yang berjaya.
Surah Aali Imran : Ayat 104
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